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There are more animals on lower energy levels because only 10% of energy is passed on up to the next level, meaning there has to be more organisms on lower levels to sustain life on higher levels.

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Q: Why are there more animals on the bottom of the energy pyramid then the top?
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Why are only a few animals at the top of a energy pyramid?

because they larger animal usually eats more of the animals that's one the bottom of the food pyramid.

Is more energy available at the top or bottom of an energy pyramid?


What do the arrows represent in an energy pyramid?

It represent the food pyramid and the bottom organism eats less as the top organism eats more.(basically everything on the bottom)

Why are there usually few organisms at the energy pyramid?

In a stable ecoystem, there should always be more producers than carnivores. For one, there has to be more energy, because your energy flow has to reach the top of the pyramid through your primary, secondary, etc. consumers. There has to be more at the bottom because the organisms at the upper levels have to have a food source. How would the jungle look if there were 100 tigers and only 1 plant?

What is the bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers and its top layers represent consumers called?

The bottom layer of pyramid that represents ecosystem producers is the ecological pyramids. The top layers represent consumers. In the energy pyramid the bottom levels have more energy than the top levels.

Why are there usually fewer organism in the top levels of an energy pyramid?

because it shows energy transfer and how there's more energy at the bottom of the pyramid with the producer and less and less energy as the consumers eat them because they burn out that energy

What statement describes a pyramid of energy?

There are always more prey organisms than producers in a community. Murshedur Rahman

How does energy get lost in Energy flux pyramid Biomass pyramid Numbers pyramid?

The higher an organism is in the energy pryamid the less energy. the lower the organism`s posittion in the pyramid more energy

Why is the energy pyramid called the energy pyramid?

because one predator eats prey for energy which causes a connection between the animals that they both eat has a connection now which is kind of a pyramid cause cant live without the other to find out more go to my facebook

How an energy pyramid and a food chain are the same and different?

A food chain shows food energy moving from organism to organism. A pyramid ofnumbers show how many organisms were involved in each level of food chain. Food chains always begin with the sun as the source of energy and the pyramid of numbers always has the producer as the base. Pyramid of numbers have more producers at the bottom than consumers at the top.The similarities are that they both are models and they both have the same organisms. They both have top consumers and they both show how energy is passed down from organism to organism.

How does vegetarians obtain energy in the energy pyramid?

The vegetarians obtain energy in the energy pyramid because vegetables contain more nutrients

What happens to the number of organisms as you move from the bottom of an energy pyramid to the top?

The number of higher-level consumers (higher in the pyramid) usually decreases, as they typically consume more than one prey.