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There are two of each color because one is an exact duplicate of the other.

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Q: Why are there two chromatids of each color what must have happened to each chromosome prior to mitosis?
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What is the location of the eye color of a fruit fly meaning which chromosome?

The locus for eye color is on the X chromosome.

What chromosome is color vision located on?

Alleles on the X chromosome as well as chromosome 7 can affect the quality of color vision to varying degrees. This information is based on very limited research of color deficiency sites on line.

What is the appearance of two nonsister chromatids following crossing over?

It is important to include what the following is for a person to know the correct answer. With this information missing a person will not know what appearance of the chromatids is.

What chromosome does color blindness effect?

It's the X-chromosome, so whichever number corresponds to it.

Is a gene a peace of chromosome?

Yes, a gene is a piece of chromosome. They are the components that chromosomes are made up from. The chromosome itself is like a ribbon, consisting of many genes, controlling the characteristics of a person, such as hair color, eye color, or ear shape.

How do you get the disease of color blindness?

You do not get color blindness, you are either born with it or not born with it. It is on the X chromosome. A male has one X chromosome. A woman has 2 X chromosomes. If one X chromosome does not have red-green capability and the man has that chromosome, then he is color blind. A woman can have one color blind chromosome and one non-color blind chromosome and she will not be color blind. The ability to see blue and yellow is on chromosome number 7. Everyone has two of those. A man can only have 3 color chromosomes. Women can have 4 color chromosomes. Since the chromosomes can be slightly different, women can frequently see far more color variations than men can see.

What are four traits that are transmitted on the x chromosome?

The X chromosome carries traits that determine characteristics and conditions that may be passed down to the offspring. Some conditions carried on the X chromosome are hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, fragile-x syndrome and red-green color blindness.

Is the color blindness gene also present on the Y chromosome?

No - the colour blindness gene is only found on the X chromosome.

What is mitosis in trees?

like when they change color in the different seasons

Why the term chromosome is misnomer?

because chromosome did not show any type of color it is colorless body

Which Chromosome has the trait For Blue Eyes?

Chromosome 19 has a blue/green gene. Chromosome 15 has a brown/blue gene. The genetics of eye color are more complex than realized previously, and more than one gene is involved in determining eye color.

WHO concluded that the gene for eye color is located on the sex chromosome?
