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Its going against their gradient

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Q: Why aren't protons able to diffuse through the inner mitochondrial membrane?
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Related questions

What is the effect of the flow of protons through the inner mitochondrial membrane?

energy is provided to make ATP

Which substances did not diffuse the membrane?

starch doesnt diffuse through the dialysis membrane.

What substance will diffuse through a membrane?

The three substances that can diffuse through a cell membrane are CO2, O2, AND H2O.

H ions move through channels of what in the inner membrane?

H plus ions move through channels of the ATP synthase in the inner membrane. It is a type of enzyme that allows protons to move through the mitochondrial membrane.

Why do sugar molecules not diffuse through a plant cell membrane?

The membrane is semi-permeable. Sugar molecules are too large to diffuse through.

Which substance did not diffused through the membrane?

starch doesnt diffuse through the dialysis membrane.

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Which accumulates in the inter membrane space of the mitochondrion during electron transport?

During electron transport in the mitochondrion, protons (H+) accumulate in the intermembrane space. This happens as electrons are transferred through the electron transport chain, creating a proton gradient across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This gradient of protons is later utilized by ATP synthase to generate ATP through oxidative phosphorylation.

What substance is most likely to passively diffuse across the plasma membrane by dissolving in the membrane?

Lipid-soluble molecules such as O2 and CO2 diffuse freely through the plasma membrane.