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there are 20 amino acids for protein and only 4 bases for DNA. makes sense they would think that the 20 amino acids would provide more variety. also they didnt know about transcription translation, etc

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Scientists believed that proteins provided the key to the genetic code because proteins are the molecules that carry out most of the functions in living organisms. They thought that the complexity and diversity of proteins were better suited to store and transmit genetic information compared to simple molecules like DNA or RNA. Additionally, proteins were known to be made up of 20 different amino acids, suggesting a more versatile code than the four nucleotides in DNA.

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Proteins were thought to be the only truly complex molecules in cells, and therefore must be responsible for heredity.

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Q: Why did scientists believe that proteins provided the key to genetic code?
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What kind of molecule did scientist first believe carried genetics information?

Scientists first believed that proteins carried genetic information, believing they were more structurally complex and diverse than DNA at the time. This idea was known as the "protein first" hypothesis and was later disproved when DNA was discovered to be the molecule responsible for carrying genetic information.

Why do scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution?

Scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution because proteins are essential molecules that carry out many functions in living organisms. By comparing the sequences of proteins across different species, scientists can uncover similarities and differences that provide clues about how different species are related and have evolved over time. This can help shed light on the evolutionary history and relationships between species.

What did the double helix model help explain?

The double helix model of DNA helped explain how genetic information is stored and replicated in organisms. It also provided insight into how mutations occur and how variations in genes contribute to inheritance and evolution. Additionally, the structure of DNA as a double helix helped scientists understand how proteins are made based on the genetic code.

What materials does the genetic code produce?

The genetic code produces proteins by specifying the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. These amino acids are coded for by specific sequences of nucleotides in the DNA. The proteins produced play crucial roles in nearly all cellular functions.

Where do many scientists believe modern humans appeared?

Many scientists believe that modern humans first appeared in Africa, specifically in the region of the Great Rift Valley. This is supported by fossil and genetic evidence that suggests an African origin for our species.

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What kind of molecules did scientist first believe carried genetic?


What kind of molecule did scientist first believe carried genetics information?

Scientists first believed that proteins carried genetic information, believing they were more structurally complex and diverse than DNA at the time. This idea was known as the "protein first" hypothesis and was later disproved when DNA was discovered to be the molecule responsible for carrying genetic information.

Which is the process of making changes in the DNA code of living organims scientists have produced bacteria that can make human proteins?

genetic engineering

Why do scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution?

Scientists study proteins to find evidence for evolution because proteins are essential molecules that carry out many functions in living organisms. By comparing the sequences of proteins across different species, scientists can uncover similarities and differences that provide clues about how different species are related and have evolved over time. This can help shed light on the evolutionary history and relationships between species.

What did the double helix model help explain?

The double helix model of DNA helped explain how genetic information is stored and replicated in organisms. It also provided insight into how mutations occur and how variations in genes contribute to inheritance and evolution. Additionally, the structure of DNA as a double helix helped scientists understand how proteins are made based on the genetic code.

What materials does the genetic code produce?

The genetic code produces proteins by specifying the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain. These amino acids are coded for by specific sequences of nucleotides in the DNA. The proteins produced play crucial roles in nearly all cellular functions.

What do scientists feel that the genetic code helps to show proof of?

Scientists believe that the genetic code provides evidence of common ancestry among all living organisms and the process of evolution. The universal presence of genetic material in all living beings suggests a shared evolutionary history and the transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next.

Where do many scientists believe modern humans appeared?

Many scientists believe that modern humans first appeared in Africa, specifically in the region of the Great Rift Valley. This is supported by fossil and genetic evidence that suggests an African origin for our species.

What continent scientists believe early modern humans came from?

Scientists believe early modern humans originated in Africa. This theory is supported by fossil and genetic evidence that suggests humans evolved in Africa before migrating to other continents.

How can scientists account for the millions of proteins there are?

Scientists can account for the millions of proteins by analyzing the genetic information encoded in the human genome and predicting the number of possible protein sequences that can be generated from it. By studying gene expression patterns, post-translational modifications, and protein-protein interactions, scientists can further understand the complexity and diversity of proteins in living organisms. Additionally, advancements in technologies such as mass spectrometry and bioinformatics have enabled researchers to identify and characterize a large number of proteins efficiently.

Who was the inventor of the genetic code?

The genetic code was not invented by a single individual. It is a universal system that describes how DNA sequences are translated into proteins. The code was deciphered over time by many scientists, including Marshall Nirenberg, Har Gobind Khorana, and Severo Ochoa.