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bcz it is thin nd semipermable

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Q: Why diffusion of gases occurs in the alveolar region only?
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Where is the site where Gases are exchanged?

Alveoli are site of gas exchange. Actual diffusion of gases occurs at interstitial space between capillaries and alveolar cells.

Does the diffusion of respiratory gases take place at the membranes between the alveolar ducts and lymphatic capillaries?


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What causes alveolar sacs to fuse together?

Alveolar sacs is the structural unit of lungs.Tiny blood capillaries fuse together to make up an alveolar sac.This structure of the sac is very important for the easy diffusion of respiratory gases across the membrane.

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How does respiration and excretion occurs in singled celled organism?

through diffusion of gases....

Exchange of gases and nutrients occurs by diffusion between the?

capillaries and tissue cells

Gases diffuse most efficiently across what?

Diffusion of gases easily occurs across a membrane. The gases will have to be converted into liquids so as to diffuse easily.

Diffusion occurs both in liquids and gases but hardly at all in solids?

yes, this is mostly true.

Diffusion between two gases occurs most rapidly if the gases are at?

high temperature and the molecules are small

Does gas exchange occurs by osmosis?

No. Osmosis refers to the movement of water only. Gases move by diffusion.

How do the structures of alveoli and capillaries support the function of gas exchange?

Exchange of gases in alveoli takes place through diffusion. This diffusion takes place to partial pressure differences among the gases O2 and CO2. The partial pressure of O2in alveolar sac = 103 mm Hg The partial pressure of O2 in blood = 50mm Hg The partial pressure of CO2 in alveolar sac = 28 mm Hg The partial pressure of CO2 in blood = 45 mm Hg As a result, the O2 from alveolar sacs diffuses into blood. the CO2 diffuses from blood into lungs.