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Plant cells have a large vacuole due to the amount of water the cell must hold to maintain its shape. The water in the vacuole creates something called turgor pressure. When the vacuole has lots of water, the turgor is high and pushes against the cell wall so the cell is rigid. When vacuole has little water, the turgor is low so the cell is flaccid.

Animal cells don't have to worry so much since our cells are already in an aqueous environment and get water in lots of other ways.

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14y ago
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12y ago

Plant cells have one large vacuole, which plays an important role in the rigidity and turgor pressure of the cell.

Animal cells do not need the same kind of function from their vacuoles, so the size and number of vacuoles in different cells will differ (depending on the type of cell). These are generally small, probably because they do not fulfil any major function. Some animal cells do not have any vacuoles.

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13y ago

Plants cells need a constant supply of water, and therfore have a large storgage space for water. Animals however, posess the ablity to move around in their enviroments, and therfore large storage spaces for water are unecessary. Animals can find their own water, and are quite good at it. Hope this helped! :)

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11y ago

is used for explosive jello. also know as the monkeys pen-pal

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12y ago

they are large due to they are very small in animal cells and vey large in plant cells.....popat.....hahahahah

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What is small in animal cells but large in plant cells?

Animal cells have small vacuoles, whereas plant cells have large vacuoles.

Does Animal and plant cells have Large Vacuoles?

no they do not

How are vacuoles in animal cells different from those in plant cells?

animal cells have either very small vacuoles, or no vacuoles at all, whereas plant cells have very large vacuoles.

How are the vacuoles in animal cells different from those plant cells?

animal cells have either very small vacuoles, or no vacuoles at all, whereas plant cells have very large vacuoles.

Do animal and plant cells have vacuoles?

they both have vacuoles. plant cells have bigger vacuoles then animal cells

Do animal cells have large valcuoles?

i think it's the plant cells that have large vacuoles, not animal.

What structure is large and single in a plant cell but small and numerous in an animal cell?

The vacuoles of plant cells are much larger than the vacuoles of animal cells, however most animal cells do not have vacuoles.

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What organelle does animal cells have that plant do not?

Plant cells have these which animal cells don't:chloroplastscell wallsvery large vacuoles (animals cells have small ones).

What cells have vacuoles?

Plant cells

Where are vacuoles located in the animal cell?

Vacuoles, in the animal cells, are located in the cytoplasm of the cell. There are numerous vacuoles in the cytoplasm of the animal cell. In the plant cells, there is only one large vacuole in the plant cell. It is situated near the nucleus of the plant cell.

Is a large vacuole in a animal or plant cell?

The largest vacuoles are seen in plant cells.