

Why do guys like curvy women?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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because they prefer girls who look good in clothes and have something to flaunt whereas skinny girls isn't as attractive in their point of view.

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Q: Why do guys like curvy women?
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Do guys like other guys sperm?

The majority of guys do not like other guys semen. (sperm is what swims in your semen) Some guys who are not bisexual or gay might like semen in general. Not all bisexual and gay guys like other guys semen. Those bisexual/gay guys who like other guys semen... like it a lot.

Why is it recent polls say guys like curvy women more yet girls are still more comfortable when they look like twigs?

This is funny because it's true. I know men who prefer specific features, races, shapes and age ranges when choosing to be with a woman. For the most part, in my experience, men like thicker women. I know I do. So what's your problem ladies? It's you! I've come across a lot more women who like how breast implants look than men who've enjoyed them and the same can be said for the waif thin figure women seem to aspire to. The magazines that tell you what men like are written by....drum roll......women! Cosmo doesn't ask men what kind of women they like and not to be bigoted or closed minded but, most male designers who employ these super thin models are gay. These women aren't there because they turn these designers on, they are real life Barbie dolls to be dressed and displayed. These are the tastemakers, the trendsetters - women and men who are not interested in women. If sports were run by women, men would have a different ideal of optimal manliness - at least the men who are affected by public opinion.

What does a gangbang feel like?

Having been gangbanged a few times i can say it depends on alot of things. I have been gangbanged 5 times. 2 times by the same group of 4 guys loved it. The 3 other times i didn't with 3, 6, 5 guys. The 3 guys i liked it. The 5 guys i didn't get anything from it. The 6 guys i made them stop. 1: You wanting kinky sex and wanting it from servel guys. 2: Depending on your likes in guys i.e. fit guys, muscule bound ripped guys, not fit but in shape (sounds odd but i know a few guys that got fat on them but can run 2-3 miles no stop). 3: How they treat you. Like talking dirty, their over all veiws to women like they think we're equal with them or we should only be in the bedroom or in the kincten, etc. There is more but that's your liking.

Do guys have periods?

No. The period is known as the menstrual cycle, which can only happen in women.

What is the least common finger print?

Loopy or Curvy

Related questions

Do men prefer skinny or curvy women?

It is entirely a matter of preference. Many men prefer thinner women; many men prefer curvy women.

Do Black guys like skinny or curvy Hispanic women better?

Either one would be fine.

Which is more beautiful and attractive to guys?

It all depends on the guy. Some guys like very curvy women. And some like skinny girls. Hope that helped.

Why are men turned off by curvy women you love the curves?

Some men don't like curvy women because it is their preference to have. Just as some men don't like thinner women and would rather date anyone but women with their shape and figure, they same is for curvy women and all a matter of preference.

Do guys like broad girls?

Do you mean Curvy/developed/healthy? Yes they do.

What do curvy women look like?

Find a picture of one

Do guys like curves on girls?

It depends on the guy. Some guys like curvy, and some guys like skinny. If a guy really liked you for who you are, he wouldn't mind if you are skinny or curvy. From my experience, unmature guys usually like skinny girls. Its just the media portraying skinny is good looking and curvy isn't.

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because were pretty and curvy.

Why some guys likes muscular girls?

It takes all sorts.It gives them a sexy body...I don't know any guys that like a really really muscular body, but then again this is coming from a guy that likes curvy women.

Are black men attracted to curvy women more then white men?

that's not the question the question is who doesn't like curvy woman

Do guys like thin girls or curvy girls?

All men are different, and we all have different preferences, so it's not entirely useful to ask if "guys" like thin girls or curvy girls. There's probably a bell-shaped "normal distribution" curve of preferences, with a few men preferring very skinny stick-like women, and a few liking very plump women, while the majority is spread over a curve of varying shapes. Personally, I like curvy women in general, but the only one I _REALLY_ prefer is the woman I'm married to right now - and I'd prefer her even if she gained or lost a lot of weight.

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Yes, Black guys like Muslim women.