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The function of root hairs is to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. If the root hairs have a cuticle covering, it will prevent the free absorption of water and nutrients from the soil.

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Q: Why do leaves have cuticle but root hairs do not?
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What is tissue that carries water and nutrients from the root hairs to the leaves?


What is the function of the roots and leaves?

Roots serve as the structure that water and minerals enter into a plant...specifically by the root hairs. Water can only move one way in a root, and this one way movement creates something called root pressure. Roots also serve to anchor the plant in soil. Leaves have the job of capturing sunlight so that photosynthesis (the synthesis of glucose, from carbon dioxide and water) can occurs there.

What structure prevents water from escaping a plant's leaves?


How do these structures participate in plant transpiration?

It takes place in the leaves. The plant loses vapor through its leaves.

How does lima bean looks like while it is growing?

It has roots,a stem,leaves and root hairs.

What are the three layers of the inner root sheath?

allows the exit of hairs through the epidermal surface

Are root hairs found mostly on the stomata?

No root hairs are not found on the stomata.

Why the root epidermis is not coated with a waxy cuticle?

plant roots posses root hairs which anchor the plant in soil and their major function is to absorb water and nutrients from soil. if there will be waxy cuticle on there epidermis it will be hard for roots to absorb nutrients and water from soil hence plant without water and nutrients will die.

Which side is smoother the top or the bottom in a leaf?

Generally speaking, the top surface as it is covered with a waxy cuticle, the bottom of leaves normally have vein protusions, hairs and stomatic openings

Which section of the root has root hairs?

the root hairs are located in the region above the root tip.

What is the waxy layer land plants have that allows them to survive on land?

The waxy coating on leaves, known as the cuticle, prevents the leaves from drying out too quickly.

How many root hairs are there on each root?

one thousand root hairs are in a tree