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It tends to get into the system faster through the nose rather than the mouth since the mucosa lining can absorb the drug directly into the bloodstream. Sublingual, nasally, by suppository, and by injection tend to be faster and more efficient than oral. The digestive process weakens a number of drugs, plus it takes about a half hour to start entering the bloodstream.

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Q: Why do people do cocaine up their nose rather than their mouth?
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How does cocaine enter the body?

Cocaine can enter the human body by the nose or the mouth. You can snort it or sniff it.

Does snorting cocaine cause numbness in the nose and mouth?

Yes, topically cocaine is an anesthetic. That is why it was put on the planet.To relieve physical pain.

Would cocaine be easier to get out of ones system if it is only smelled rather than actually ingested?

If by, "smelled," you mean, sniffed/snorted, then no. Cocaine will not leave your system faster if you snort it rather than swallow it. Your nose is connected to your mouth and throat. Anything you snort goes up your nose, and then down the back of your throat, where it is swallowed and sent straight to the stomach. So when you snort cocaine, you still end up swallowing it. It just takes a detour up your nose and then back down again first. If by, "smelled," you mean, actually smelling the cocaine like you would smell a flower, then, you can't get cocaine in your system by smelling the odor of it.

When a baby is born what do you suction first?

you would suction the mouth then the nose.

Symptoms on a person who just had cocaine?

Depends how pure the Cocaine is. Mainly a blocked numb nose, dry pasty mouth, elevated sense of smell & awareness. Raised heartbeat and blood pressure. Enthusiasm.

Would you rather have a pet turtle with not nose or a pet shark with no mouth(tiny shark)?

I would have a turtle with no nose because it is still going to live. :3

Can smoking give you nose cancer?

you can smoke a cigarette,and people take smoke out of their nose instead of their mouth

What does the nose and mouth do?

The nose breathe air in. Sometimes you do the same with the mouth.

How to do sniffing position for infant during CPR?

Use your mouth to cover the infant's nose and mouth, infant should be placed on a table rather than on the floor.

Does cocaine eat the inside of your nose?

The nose becomes numb after snorting cocaine. Also, cocaine can lead to nosebleeds.

Why do lungs prefer air breathed in through the nose?

Not all people breathe through the nose. There happen to be a lot of mouth - breathers but people who breathe out of their nose are more common.

Can you get a nose job if you used to do cocaine?

yes you can