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Polio vaccination of children is there to prevent the re-appearance of the polio disease, which is currently almost eradicated. Originally, the vaccination was by needle. Then drops of vaccine on a sugar cube was used.

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Q: Why do people give polio drops to children?
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Related questions

Why should parents give polio drops to their childrens?

All parents should have their children vaccinated for polio. Polio is a devastating disease, and there is no cure, but with the vaccination, it can be prevented.

How much gap should take after polio drops for taking food?

Minimum one hour. Meanwhile you can give sugar solution to hungry baby.

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Now more than ever : stop Polio forever Prevent Birth defect Kick Polio out of Africa Do boondh Zindgi ke. regards

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Sure. Why not?

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Give Atropine eye drops 2 drops every 4 hours as needed for congestion.

Who had polio before holding office?

Frankin D. Roosevelt had polio as a young man. He is legs were severely crippled as a result. He could stand with braces and give speeches. He tried to keep his affliction hidden.

Can other people give children excellent care?

Certain people can give children excellent care. It really depends on if the other person actually knows how to care for a child. Do they really work well with kids?, Do they know how to care and love for a child? IF so then yes they can give children excellent care.

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They usually give up their children, because they cannot afford to support that child. That, or they give up their child, because it is a girl and want a boy instead.

Is it okay to give hamsters human eye drops?

no way!!! there is special eye drops for hamsters at the pet shop