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Your body works harder to keep you insulated.

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Q: Why do you need more energy in cold conditions?
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A starfish has a great ability to ensure that they don't get too hot or cold. They will reserve energy and use it as they need it. If they are in cold waters, they use more energy to warm themselves up.

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Crocodiles and alligators live in tropical and sub tropics they need warmth plus in warmer climets there is much more food they are large animal so they need enough food to get more energy and so they survive.

Why do you need more energy in the winter than the summer?

In the winter it's cold and you need energy to keep you warm and in the summer it's hot you don't need energy you let out energy when you sweat etc.

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It is because we need different amount of energy in different conditions of our body. When we rest we need less energy but when we do hard work we need more energy. Performing hard work is a difficult activity and it needs more energy. Thus, by increasing the breathing rate more energy is supplied to the cells for the production of more energy.

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really cold ones

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Really cold ones

Why does hot chocolate have more thermal energy than cold chocolate milk?

because hot chocolate is hot and cold chocolate milk is cold. LOL i need a real awnser

What conditions does krill need to live?

cold sea water. You're Welcome!

Can cold energy be transferred to an object?

no, cold energy cannot be transferred into an object because you need heat in order to form an object for the celcuims

Why do you need more energy when you get older?

As we age, our metabolism slows down, leading to a decrease in the amount of energy our body can produce from the food we eat. This can result in feeling more fatigued and needing more energy to perform daily activities. Additionally, factors such as reduced muscle mass, hormonal changes, and chronic health conditions can also contribute to the increased need for energy as we get older.

Does it take less energy to heat hotter water than colder water?

Yes, as the molecules of the hot water are already in motion, they need less energy to speed up and transfer it whereas the molecules of cold water need far more energy so that they get into motion and then transfer energy.

How does washing clothes in cold water conserve energy?

It eliminates the need to use energy to heat the water.