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I don't know, but it seems to be pretty normal.

I know that a quick fix is to eat... even though you don't feel like eating (but you're stomach is 'hungry') you definitely should eat! This will put you back to normal, and you'll enjoy your day.



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Q: Why do you wake up feeling sick and get better after a short while?
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Iv been feeling sick a lot im never sick but feel that if you were sick i would feel better everything elce is normal help?

well first hello! when you feel sick your bady is trying to get rid of something this might be anything. if you are sick then you will defantly feel better as you have got rid of the thing that was making you feel unwell, as it is no longer there! you now the old saying better out then in !!!!

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You could be unable to not drink because you didn't feel that you could go without not feeling sick or not sick, depending on the amount of alcohol that you did or didn't drink while feeling well enough to drink but may or may not have decided to not be unable to without feeling one way or the other. I hope this wasn't the most unclear answer for you.

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You can get warm. Even if you feel hot, getting warm is a great way to feel better.

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Blood sugar is probably dropping which would explain why you're feeling better after you eat.

How do gearms make the body sick?

Our own immune defence makes the body sick while reacting against germs. Germs themselves have only minor contribution to the feeling of sickness.

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It depends on how sick. Smoking pot while sick can make you feel much better but it also lowers your immune system, making it harder to get better and increasing the chance of getting sick again. You have to decide if it's worth it or not.

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They can be feeling sick but to my knowlegde they cannot be physically sick. hope this is useful to you!

Blacking out and feeling sick to stomach?

That is not good. Unless you know you are sick or something, you should go to a doctor to find out why this is happening, as blacking out and feeling really sick are not very normal.