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I am not a doctor nor any kind of researcher. Just someone who sneezes when I walk out into the sun. My idea is that when we are exposed to the bright light, we squint our eyes. When this happens it restricts our sinuses. A natural way of clearing our sinuses is a sneeze.

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Q: Why does bright light cause some people to sneeze?
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Can you sneeze and not blink?

The fact is you can go search every where and ask any one but blinking your eyes while you sneeze is a natural body reaction. When you see a bright light you sneeze and your eyes close so that they can shut longer than when you blink so you won't hurt your eyes . As much as you try not to blink you cant because when you sneeze your entire body shuts down for that time so your eyes close as well. Another reason why you naturally blink when you sneeze is that if you did not blink while sneezing, your eyes would pop out.

Why do people instintively close their eyes in bright light?

To block the light out of their eyes, until they get accustomed to it. But, it isn't instinct to close your eyes in bright light. Muscles around the eye pull it closed to protect the inner areas of the eye.

A bright light that causes you to shut your eyes is a?

A bright light that causes you to shut your eyes is called a glare. A glare is harmful in that light enters your eye, but doesn't help you see.

Why do eyes need bright and dim light?

Eyes do not need bright and dim light - although the iris (colored part of the eye) and pupil (black center of the eye) function differently under these circumstances. In bright light, the muscles in the iris contract to make the pupil smaller. In dim light, the iris makes the pupil enlarge to allow as much of the scarce light as possible.

What is the Response of eye to bright light?

The iris controls the amount of light entering the eyes through pupil. When the surrounding is extremely bright, the iris contracts the size of pupil. This decreases the amount of light entering the eye. This is why when we are suddenly exposed to bright light, the eyes blink and in meanwhile, the iris contracts.

Related questions

What is optic sneezes?

When a bright light, like the sun, makes you sneeze.

How do you force a sneeze when you feel one coming on but can't sneeze?

Try looking at a bright light or inhaling a strong scent like pepper or essential oils to stimulate the sneeze reflex. Gently rubbing the tip of your nose or drinking a carbonated beverage may also help trigger a sneeze.

What is a photic sneeze response?

The photic sneeze response is a genetic condition where exposure to bright light, such as sunlight, triggers a reflexive sneeze. It is estimated to affect about 18-35% of the population. The exact cause of this phenomenon is not fully understood.

Why do you sneeze when looking at light?

It happens so to protect our eyes from the bright light.When the harmful light rays hit the retina,the brain forces us to shut our eyes by making us sneeze.

How do you sneeze on command?

Bright lights! Ever wak out into the sun and sneeze, it's a natural reaction to the light. Other than that maybe snorting/sniffing pepper.

Do you get itchy tickly noses where you cant sneeze but you have to?

Yeah, that happens to me sometimes, and it feels terrible. When I get that, I look at a bright light, and I'm almost always able to sneeze afterwards.

What can make you sneeze?

Anything that irritates the inside of your nose can make you sneeze. It's usually things like dust, dirt, pepper, hair, lint, or some other kind of fine powder. Some people also have allergies to things like pollen, and some people will sneeze if they look at a bright light, or pluck their eyebrows.

Do organisms and other plants perform photosynthesis?

yes, they do. Have you noticed that when your trying to sneeze, and it wont come up, that if you look at a bright light, you sneeze? Wierd, I know, but it's true!

Does the sun make you sneeze?

It is possible for some people to experience a phenomenon known as "photic sneeze reflex," where exposure to bright light, such as sunlight, can trigger a sneeze. This reaction is thought to be due to a genetic predisposition.

Also known as achoo autosomal dominant compelling helio-ophthalmic outburst the photic sneeze reflex is triggered by something unusual what?

Bright light

Can dogs smell light?

No, but they can see it. Scents that can be smelled are caused by particles of matter in the air which can be sensed by the nerves in the nose. Light photons are pure energy which the nerves in the eyes can sense. A bright light can cause the eyes to make tears which down into the nose and can make an animal or person sneeze. Thus to some extent the nose might be said to react to light.

Why The Moon and the planets appear bright at night?

they appear bright be cause the light from the sun is hitting the moon and planets to make them look bright.