

Why does human cells multiply?

Updated: 6/16/2024
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13y ago

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You need so many cells, billions and billions, because as a human you are an extremely complex organism. If you think about all the different organs in your body, such as your brain, heart, liver, intestines, stomach, pancreas, etc..., you see that there are many different types of cells needed to compose these things.

Also, since cells are microscopic and can't just keep growing forever, if they did we would have a DNA overload, as we grow we must add new cells to our body.


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8y ago
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1mo ago

Human cells multiply through a process called cell division, where a cell duplicates its contents and splits into two daughter cells. This allows for growth, repair, and replacement of damaged or old cells in the body. Different types of cells multiply at different rates, depending on the body's requirements.

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14y ago

Physical human bodies (and all "living things") consist of cells. Higher orders of living things exist as a collection of interdependent specialized cells, which allow the organism to survive by replicating themselves.

The human body is a mass of individual cells "working together" synergistically.

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13y ago

Cells are so very tiny, that we need billions and billions of them in order to manage our incredibly complicated bodies. Smaller living things, such as ants, have a much less complicated body, so they don't need as many cells.

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14y ago

they need them to protect your muscles. because if u didnt have cells then ur skin would be really thin and ur muscles would be showing becaause u only had a thin layer of cells which help the skin.

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13y ago

The answer depends on the level of complexity you are looking for. Firstly, it should be made clear that it would be impossible to create a body of a human's size with significantly fewer cells, simply because cells could not sustain themselves properly at such a size. You would probably collapse on yourself without massively enforced cell walls. This brings us to the question of how did the body get so large in the first place? The answer to this is natural selection. The full explanation is too long to fit here, but if you're interested in this field and want to learn more, I can recommend the books on evolution written by Richard Dawkins, especially The Selfish Gene and The Blind Watchmaker. Condensed though, the human body exists as it does now, as it contains the features that gave our ancestors an advantage to survive.

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15y ago

That is how the human body will stay living!!!

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13y ago

The human body is growing, thus the enzymes in these cells multiply to generate more antibodies

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izaiah sanabria

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3y ago

Each cell works with other cells to perform all necessary life functions.

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13y ago

because organization is made up of cells

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