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mammals cant survive without green plants , because that is their food and they live off of the plants. Green plant can live without mammals, because they can make their own food with photosynthesis.

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Q: Why does many green plants survive in a world without mammals but mammals cant survive without green plants?
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Why can green plants survive but mammals could not survive without green plants?

mammals cant survived without green plants because that is their food and that how they live without green plants they will die.

What green plants need to survive?

Green plants can survive with sunlight,water,carbon dioxide and chlorophyll.

Why is rainfall necessary?

to keep the plants green. we woud not be here on earth without it because we need it to survive, and the animals too. ;)

What do green plant need to survive?

Green plants can survive with sunlight,water,carbon dioxide and chlorophyll.

What would happen to the nitrogen cycle if there were no green plants?

If there were no green plants there would be no nitrogen cycle.If there were no green plants, the nitrogen that most organisms need wouldn't be transferred to all living things. Nitrogen is in green plants first, and then the herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores get it by eating the plants or eating the animals that eat those plants. Without green plants, those animals wouldn't really have anything to get the nitrogen from. Nitrogen is crucial to all plants in making amino acids and proteins which they need to survive, so there would be no life on Earth.

How do non green plants survive?

By saprophytic or parasitic mode of nutrition

Do you need the sun light to survive?

An individual person can survive without sunlight (although there is an increased risk of vitamin D deficiency) but the human race as a whole cannot, since we depend upon green plants.

Why are green plants important to oxygen?

Plants produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Therefore, we, as animals who need oxygen to breathe, must have green plants in our ecosystem in order to survive.

Can plants that do not have green leaves make food?

Yes,because it still survive

What do wildebeests eat?

They eat grass, green leaves, crops, shoots and green plants. Wildebeest are herbivores who strictly graze. Their food preference is short grasses and water. They cannot survive more than a few days without water.

What is the meaning of Green the earth save the planet?

green means plants with which we can survive for longer period of time and water of blue colour . people cannot live without it , so through the earth only the planet is save

What would happen if all green plants were to die?

we will die and only microbes will survive