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You have a DRY eye. Burning, watering (YES), stinging are signs of a dry eye problem. Start using some artificial tears.

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Q: Why does my eye burn when its wet like tears And what can I do about it?
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Why is the fur beneath the dogs' eye always wet?

It might be wet because dogs usually have tears in their eyes and they all fall at the bottom of their eyes.

What keeps eye wet?

The eyes stay wet because there is a layer of substance that secrete from the glands around the eyes called tear film. When the eyes don't produce tears, they become dry.

What is a wet burn?

i think a wet burn is called a scauld

Why do you have tears in your eyes?

Because the tears keep our eyes wet and clean.

How do tears feel on your face?

they feel wet and itch

What is the difference between a burn and a scald?

A burn is caused by dry heat whereas a scald is caused by wet heat. A burn can be caused by heat or cold, and this can be wet or dry. A scald is a burn caused by wet heat such as boiling water.

What is a wet burn in the kitchen?

Getting hot oil or steam or something like that onto your skin

Why do tears fall when people cry?

Tears fall due to gravity. Gravity is an attraction towards the centre of the earth (all large masses have their own gravitation pull). Therefore, once the tear has left a person's eye, it is naturally pulled to the ground under it's own mass and the acceleration due to gravity.In each eye,there is a "tear gland"located at the outer corner of the eye.There are ducts which carry the tears to the upper eye lids and from there they are taken out of the eyes by other ducts. Every time we blink our eyes,like a stage curtains-by means of muscles,an involuntary actionsome fluid comes out through the openings of the tear ducts.This keeps the eye wet and prevents them.

Why won't a wet dollar bill burn?

The wet dollar bill is saturated with water. Water does not burn, so the paper dollar bill can't burn until the water has evaporated.

What is the air like just outside of the eye of an hurricane?

150 mph and wet and very high pressure

What is definition for dry wet prints?

wet prints are those in which fabri is either dyed or printed dry prints are the fancy prints like flock prints, burn out prints.

Does the Remington wet 2 straight flat iron work?

Yes the wet to straight flat iron works..and really good too...i like the fact that you can use while your hair is wet and it wont burn it =D