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MacConkey's agar is a differential media used to differentiate between lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting bacteria. E.coli is a lactose fermenter whereas Pseudomonas is a lactose non-fermenter.

MacConkey's agar contains lactose as fermentable sugar and when it is fermented the pH of the medium decreases which is registered by neutral red (a pH indicator).

Lactose fermenters such as E.coli produce pink colonies whereas lactose non-fermenters such as Pseudomonas produces colorless colonies. So the colors of E.coli and Pseudomonas colonies are different on MacConkey's agar.

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13y ago

MacConkey's agar is a differential media used to differentiate between lactose fermenting and lactose non-fermenting bacteria. Both E.coli and Pseudomonas spp are gram negative organisms, but E.coli is a lactose fermenters whereas Pseudomonas is a lactose non-fermenter. MacConkey's agar contains lactose as fermentable sugar and when it is fermented the pH of the medium decreases which is registered by neutral red (a pH indicator). Lactose fermenters (E.coli) produce pink colonies whereas lactose non-fermenters (Pseudomonas) produces colourless colonies. hence the colours of E.coli and Pseudomonas colonies are different on MacConkey's agar.

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What differences between Ecoli and pseudomonas sp on MacConkey agar?

ecoli is a lactose metabolizer, can live on macconkey while psuedomoas cannot.

What is the culture characteristic of Ecoli thst grow on macconkey agar?

E.coli shows pink colour colonies in MacConkey agar due to fermentation of lactose

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It's not easy to differentiate the pigment of p aeruginosa on pseudomonas agar P from the pigment of E. coli on MacConkey agar without referring to the colors, but it can be done based on the structure of the p aeruginosa.

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Yes. But because it is not a lactose fermenter, the colonies will be colorless (or sometimes have a green tint).

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Why MacConkey agar is solid at room temperature while MacConkey broth remains Liquid at room Temperature?

MacConkey agar is solid at room temperature because it is a gel-like polysaccharide. Broth that has 1.5 percent agar in it and is heated up will become a liquid.

What is the name of the acide base color indicator found in MacConkey agar?

Lac+ bacteria is acid base color indicator that lowers the pH of the MacConkey agar. The MacConkey agar contains neutral red dye, lactose, peptone, and crystal violet dye.

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Colorless, it doesnt ferment lactose.