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If your tree is younger than others and much stronger, they won't drop or if it is a different tree than the others its leaves should fall of different times.

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Q: Why has your tree not dropped its leaves yet this fall when others like it have?
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Do their leaves fall in winter?

Yes some plants have leaves which fall of like mango leaves . But there are some plants of which leaves do not fall , like oak leaves.

What are fall months in Argentina like?

leaves change colors and fall from trees in fall

Do maple trees die in the fall?

No, there leaves fall of and it looks a lot like there dead but there really no:)

What are the fall observation in the US?

during fall leaves fall off their branches, the nights are longer and the days are shorter. leaves changes colors and it gets sunny but also cold. it is like summer plus winter

What is spring and fall like on earth?

spring on earth is that all the trees grow new leaves and animals come out of sleeping all winter and fall is when all the leaves fall down from trees and it starts getting colder

What exact month or day do leaves fall?

There is no single answer to that. Leaves obviously mainly fall in autumn. Autumn lasts a few months and it is autumn in the southern hemisphere at a different time of the calendar year than in the northern hemisphere. Many leaves fall in winter and some can also fall in spring and summer too. Things like extreme weather or other natural events or disease can cause leaves to fall. So leaves can actually fall in any month and on any day.

Can cat fly if dropped high enough?

Cats have a terminal velocity that is not fatal if they fall. In fact, if cats are dropped high enough they will spread themselves out like a parachute.

Why doesn't grass change colors in fall like leaves?

Cause they are dumb and blonde

What does fall feel like sounds like taste like look like and what are the colors?

Fall is has leaves of yellow red and orange you willl usally smell apples...pumpkin pie and apple cider yummm all the recipes to fall :)

What things do people like about fall?

The beautiful changing of the colors of the leaves of the trees and shrubs, the changing of the weather, the great food at Thanksgiving, and spooky Halloween. Others enjoy the return to the regimentation of the school-day schedule.

Do leaves have water in them?

Yes they do. Some more than others like succulents or cactus.

What are facts about autumn?

the fun facts in autumn is that you could jump in a plie of leaves and they fly into the air and fall down like snow and you try to catch the leaves