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Because they kill other native species and in doing so offset the original ecosystem.

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Q: Why invasive species create such problem in the ecosystems they invade?
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How do new species change ecosystems?

If there is a new environment, it will likely attract species used to that environment. Maybe species not yet seen. If you don't count that as a new species then consider this, the new animals and species attracted to the new environment and landscapes might have a chance of breeding with other animals and species, creating a new species.

What is the problems with invasive species?

Native species have natural enemies and do not usually cause a problem. Invasive species frequently do not have natural predators. As a result, Invasive species can create tremendous problems for people. For example: in Florida Water Hyacinths turned lakes into dead zones and breeding areas for mosquitoes. They have done the same in Africa. Africa does not need more mosquitoes spreading malaria. In the Great Lakes, the zebra mussel has choked off water inlets. For a while in the Great Lakes, lampreys killed the fish. In Alabama, an invasive plant threatens to destroy the timber industry. Thus, some invasive species have crowded out native species and made major changes in the ecology. As they crowd out the natural species they can bring plagues and pestilence with them. They can also cause the failure of modern machinery.

What are solutions to fix urban growth?

Create wildlife reserves and parks for animals to live in (create new ecosystems)

How do you create species?

well i mean you cant really create a species without some glue and hard work.

What is the reason the government create natural area called reserved?

To protect weakened ecosystems and their wildlife {KHS was here}

What is the main reason that governments create natural areas called reserve?

To protect weakened ecosystems and their wildlife {KHS was here}

What is the main reason the governments create natural areas called reserves?

To protect weakened ecosystems and their wildlife {KHS was here}

Can you create names for the alien species?


Can you make your own species?

You can create a hybrid between two species through their cross pollination, but that is not new species.

What ecosystems were part of Biosphere 2?

1.OceanA million gallons of water was used to create the ocean ecosystem within Biosphere 2, the largest body of saltwater in the country at this elevation. 2.Mangrove WetlandsWetlands that are bordered by shrubs and trees are called mangroves. Mangrove wetlands are located near the ocean coastline. 3. Rain-forestThe rainforest ecosystem within Biosphere 2 is home to over 150 different species of plants. Some species have grown to be over 60 feet tall. 4.Savannah GrasslandScientists are able to research native and invasive plant species within the savannah grassland ecosystem in Biosphere 2. o A fog desert ecosystem--an area not unlike the environment outside the walls of Biosphere--is used to conduct research on drought-resistant plant species within the enclosure.

Why are coral important to people?

Coral reefs provide a great amount diverse species hunting, mating, and feeding grounds. Without coral reefs, the ocean's ecosystems would become unstable thus putting many species at risk for extinction. This effects humans in such a way that could not only damage (or completely destroy) our economy, but it would create starvation as well as many other implications.

What is an cross?

it is when 2 different species of animals breed and create a sort of cross between the two species.