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Genetic polymorphism occurs as a result of natural selection. It represents an equilibrium between members of the same species, and makes use of balancing selection for conservation.

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Q: Why is DNA from two organisms of the same species polymorphic?
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What do biologists use to establish whether or not two organisms are of the same species?

Comparisons of appearance, comparisons of structure, and comparisons of DNA and proteins.

Why is DNA analysis suck a good tool for classifying organisms?

The knowledge of DNA makes for more accurate classification of organisms because the scientists can examine certain species of organisms and see if there are related or closely related to determine weather or not they can be classified in the same group or not.

Could DNA extracted from onion be different from DNA extracted from cauliflower why?

Although DNA is composed of the same four nucleotides in all organisms, the sequence of nucleotides is different for each species

How do you differentiate between DNAs of two different organisms?

No two organisms have identical DNA, It depends on the molecular marker and species, DNA fingerprinting is a technique that is used to identify patterns that occur in DNA. One of the method consist using Restriction enzymes. Restriction enzymes always cut at the same base sequence. Because no two individuals have identical DNA, no two individuals will have the same length fragments. Different species of organisms have different proportions of bases.

Why do you think that it is important that the structure of DNA is the same in all organisms?

DNA is the same in all organisms because we are basically animals

How is polymorphic DNA used for identification purposes?

Polymorphic DNA is a stretch or multiple stretches of DNA that have high variability among individuals. Since the chance of DNA being different among these stretches in two different people, these pieces of DNA are commonly used for identification purposes.

Does DNA have same basic structure from all organisms?

Yes. The basic structure of DNA is universal for all organisms.

How do birds and dogs both use DNA as instruction for building their bodies even though they are very different organisms?

Their DNA has the same nucleotide bases, but in different patterns. DNA forms the building blocks of all living things, regardless of species.

How do birds and dogs both use DNA as instructions for building their bodies even they are very different organisms?

Their DNA has the same nucleotide bases, but in different patterns. DNA forms the building blocks of all living things, regardless of species.

Does DNA look the same in all organisms?


How do biologist classify organisms?

In basic terms: biologists classify organisms by species, genus and family.

What types of DNA do scientists use to determine individual identities of organisms within the same species?

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and short tandem repeats (STRs)