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Cats and dogs have a common ancestor that is more recent than the common ancestor of cats and hamsters.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Cats and dogs share a more recent common ancestor than cats and hamsters, and therefore their DNA is more similar.

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Q: Why is DNA of cats and dogs more similar than DNA of cats and hamsters?
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Do dogs have a better sense of smell than cats?

A domestic cat can smell with roughly 200 million smell-sensitive receptors (humans have 5 million). A domestic dog can range from as low, in comparison, as 125 million to as high as 220 million depending on the breed. Scenthounds receptors are obviously on the higher end of the scale. On an average the cat can smell better than the dog but the specific winner goes to the Dog breed of Bloodhound, which can have as many as 300 million. This makes them a clear winner in breed but not in genus.

Why are DNA sequences more similar in more closely related organisms?

In fact the organisms are closely related because the DNA sequences are more similar. DNA sequences are more different as the organism differs.

What is most common cause of pyometra?

Pyometra is an infection caused by bacteria ascending from an animals vagina into the uterus during a heat cycle. It is more common in older dogs/cats, but can happen to any mammal. The only way to prevent, and best way to treat pyometra is by having the animal spayed. See this article for more information:

What plant is simlar to hibiscus fern moss or pine tree?

Pine is more similar. Other two more primitive

How can DNA be used to support the theory that all species share common ancestry?

Humans share around 99.9 percent of their DNA after all we all are humans and only a small amount is what makes you, you. Chimpanzees are 97% similar to humans. Cats have 90% of homologous genes with humans, 82% with dogs, 80% with cows, 69% with rats and 75% of mouse genes have equivalents in humans. And about 60% of chicken genes correspond to a similar human genes

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What are more genetically similar to humans-cats or dogs?


Which animals are used for testing?

dogs, cats, and more commonly, monkeys mice,hamsters,rabbitts

Are spotted hyenas cats or dogs?

they are more of cats then dogs but they are not cats

Are there more dogs or cats in Armenia?

There are dogs more then cats ,in Armenia.

Do people have more dogs or cats?


What is the most common student's job?

a Vet helping sick or injured animals such as; dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, fish, birds and much more.

What are the predators of a hamster?

The enemies are: -Cats -Guinea Pigs -Mice -Rabbits -Dogs -Birds For more Information, visit:

What are some indoor pets?

Cats, dogs, parrots, terrapin, hamsters, rabbits. Some more exotic pets maybe snakes, lizards, chinchillas and bugs!

Contrast dogs and cats in essy?

One of the obvious contrasts between dogs and cats is that cats are much more independent than dogs. Dogs are more codependent, which results in them being slightly more needy but also infinitely more easy to train.

Who is more colored cats or dogs?

cats are more colored to me

Who obeys more dogs or cats?


Cats are a lot more independent then dogs?

Yes cats are a lot more independent than dogs.