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All cells have antigens on them. Antigens are things that could stimulate the immune system. All of the patient's body cells have antigens on them that his/her body recognizes as "self." This means his/her immune system will not attack them. If someone else's cells come into contact with the patient, he or she might mount an immune response against them. The patient's body would try to destroy the cells. In a transplant, this ends up as transplant rejection. That's why immunosuppresants are administered for transplant patients (and they come with their own problems). When you're grafting tissue to a patient, an allograft (graft from the patient him/herself) is preferable because the antigens are very much less likely to provoke an immune attack.

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Q: Why is it advantageous to try to repair or replace damaged tissues using a patients own cells to grow the tissue?
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What will happen to the roots if the tissues were damaged?

the root will dry and will not function well.

Which parts of the body can a person easily replace with cells?

Currently, the parts of the body that can be replaced with cells include skin, blood, and bone marrow. Skin grafts can be used to replace damaged skin, blood transfusions can replace blood cells, and bone marrow transplants can be performed to replace damaged or diseased bone marrow. However, the ability to completely replace complex organs or tissues like the heart or liver with cells is still a developing field of research.

What is tissue engineering?

Tissue engineering is the process of growing, or engineering, certain tissues found in the human body. The primary purpose for tissue engineering is to replace or repair damaged tissues or organs. ... Scaffolds can be built from a variety of materials, such as collagen and polyester, depending on the type of tissue being engineered. The same materials used to make dissolving sutures are also used in the construction of scaffolds.

What happens if cells are damaged during your lifetime?

The consequence of damaged stem cells will depend on the amount of damage, part that has been damaged and which part of the body it supplies. Stem cells are basically the source of all tissues formed in the body. Therefore, damage to the basic unit of where the tissues form or generate will depend on how extensive the damage is and the capability of the stem cell to repair itself.

What do inflammatory mediators do?

Inflammatory mediators mainly perform defensive roles. These will be triggered as defense mechanism in response to damaged living tissues in living organisms.

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Why do scientists need to grow heart valves in the laboratory?

because the process involves taking tiny cells and growing them into tissues that can then be used to replace damaged tissues in people. bye :)

Why do scientists need to grow heart valves in laboratory?

because the process involves taking tiny cells and growing them into tissues that can then be used to replace damaged tissues in people. bye :)

What will happen to he roots if the tissues were damaged?

Since the root is the main organ of a plant, once one of its tissues were damaged, it will not just function properly but the plant will die.

What happen to the roots were tissues will damaged?

cells Will die

What tissues are damaged by smoking?

Psuedo-stratified columnar

What happens to the tissues organsorgan system if these cells are damaged?

the tissues,organs,organ system will eventually die.

What happen to the root if the tissues were damaged?

the root of the plant die .....?

What will happen to the roots if the tissues are damaged?

the roots will not function well.

Can bones get transferred?

Bone, like many other tissues, can be donated from living or deceased donors. Bones can also be repositioned in the body (auto transplanted) to replace sections damaged or removed.

How do you sterilize tissues taken from patients in hospitals?

ethylene oxide

What will happen to the roots if the tissues were damaged?

the root will dry and will not function well.

What will happens to the roots if the tissues were damaged?

the root will dry and will not function well.