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Any cell that is using sugars for respiration act as a "sink" for sugars being transported by the phloem. As the sugar is consumed, more will move to the area of less concentration as long as the leaf cells keep on producing sugars. It is called the pressure-flow hypothesis.

This process insures all cells needing the energy found in the sugar molecules will get enough energy to continue growth of the plant.

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The phloem collects the sugars made during photosynthesis and carries them around the plant.

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Xylem Phloem and are complex tissues that perform transportation of food and water in a plant. Xylem occupy the center of the vascular bundle and phloem occur on outer side of the vascular bundle.

What is the importance of xylem and phloem?

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Phloem is made of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma. These are specialized cells to transport nutrients from leaves to other area of the plant.

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phloem transporta food from the leaves to the roots[as weel as the of the of the plant]

How do vascular plants get their food?

They get their food from phloem which carries food from leaves to other plant cells.

What do the phloem vessels do and where do they move substances?

The phloem in vascular plants transports food from the leaves to every cell of the rest of the plant. This process is called translocation.