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Because life on our planet is based on water (H2O).

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Oxygen is not a necessity for life; there are whole classes of microorganisms that are anaerobic.

Some of these organisms developed the ability to photosynthesize light and split water into oxygen and hydrogen (which combines with carbon into carbohydrates). In fact nearly all of the oxygen in the air we now breathe was produced by microorganisms more than 3.5 billion years ago who effectively polluted the environment for other organisms for which oxygen was poisonous.

However, some organisms not only survived the oxygen bloom, but subsequently developed the ability to chemically use this atmospheric oxygen. Some of these organisms evolved into multicellular organisms that eventually evolved into plants and animals dependent upon atmospheric oxygen.

Animals in particular are dependent on oxygen for a metabolic process called the Krebs Cycle, and I suspect this is what you mean.

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Oxygen is essential for cells to perform their functions. Without oxygen, cells begin dying in a few minutes. Oxygen deprivation can cause human death in about four minutes.

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