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Phagocytes move throughout the vaculature, engulfing bacteria, dead cells and injured cells. The process of engulfing is often referred to as eating.

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Q: Why is phagocytosis called 'cell eating'?
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By what process also known as cell eating is a pacticular substance engulfed by a cell membrane and then digested?

The process of eating is also called Phagocytosis. The process of cell 'drinking' is called Pinocytosis

Process often thought of as cell eating is?

phagocytosis- cell eating pinocytosis- cell drinking

What is another name for cell eating?

The word that means the same thing as cell eating is phagocytosis. The outcome is the ingestion of particulate matter, such as bacteria, from the extracellular fluid.

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Compare phagocytosis and pinocytosis?

Phagocytosis and pinocytosis are both types of endocytosis, which occurs when a substance is brought into the cell. Phagocytosis is called cell eating, while pinocytosis is referred to as cell drinking.

What term means cell eating and describes a type of endocytosis?

well icreallyt do no tknow can someone plz plz plz answer i am desperat ewhat means cell eating like what does is the word

Cell eating is the description of the term?

i just took a test on this, the term for cell eating is phagocytosis

When a cell membrane surrounds a particle encloses it into a vesicle and brings the particle into the cell this is called?

The process is called phagocytosis, which means "cell eating".

What is another name for eating?

Phagocytosis, which literally means a condition of cell eating.

What happens during phagocytosis?

Phagocytosis is a type of endocytosis. It is also known as cell eating, wherein the cell ingests or engulfs large particles.

2 type of endocytosis?

The 2 types of endocytosis are pinocytosis("cell drinking) in which liquids are taken up by the cell and then there is phagocytosis (cell-eating) in which the cell engulfs certain substances.

What is the movement of particles into the cell?

The movement of large particles of solid food or whole cells into the cell is called phagocytosis. Phagocytosis occurs in three separate steps.