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Phosphorous is often a limiting factor in environments because plants need phosphorous to maintain their cellular Biology. If there is insufficient phosphorous, plants will be stunted or not grow at all. If there is too much phosphorous, plants also have a difficult time or won't grow. Phosphorous uptake is not something that plants can control with certainty, and phosphorous could be a limiting nutrient in a given area under study. Use the link to the Wikipedia article on phosphorous and see what is posted on phosphorous and biology.

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Phosphorus is often a limiting factor in environments because it is essential for plant growth and is present in small quantities in most soils. In aquatic ecosystems, excess phosphorus can lead to eutrophication, so its availability is tightly regulated. Human activities like agriculture and industry can also alter phosphorus levels, further exacerbating its limitation in some environments.

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Q: Why is phosphorous often a limiting factor in environments?
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Is food the only limiting factor that keeps populations from too large?

No, food availability is not the only limiting factor for population size. Other factors such as competition for resources, predation, disease, availability of suitable habitat, and environmental conditions like temperature and rainfall can also play a significant role in limiting population growth. In nature, populations are often regulated by a combination of multiple factors rather than just one.

The limiting factor in determining what if any plants will grow is?

The limiting factor in determining whether plants will grow is often the availability of essential resources such as light, water, nutrients, and suitable growing conditions such as temperature and pH levels. Plants require these factors to carry out essential functions like photosynthesis and growth. Insufficient or excess of these resources can limit or prevent plant growth.

What is the greatest limiting factor for plants that grow on the floor of a rain forest?

The greatest limiting factor for plants that grow on the floor of a rainforest is often the lack of sunlight due to the dense canopy above. This results in limited light availability for photosynthesis, which is crucial for plant growth and survival. As a result, plants on the rainforest floor have adaptations to maximize light absorption, such as large leaves or growing towards small gaps in the canopy.

What is created by shaded cool moister environments or sunlit warm dry environments?

Shaded cool moister environments typically create conditions suitable for the growth of mosses and ferns. Sunlit warm dry environments are often conducive to the growth of cacti and succulent plants.

Which domain do organisms live in extreme environments?

Organisms that live in extreme environments are often found in domains Archaea and Bacteria. These extremophiles thrive in conditions such as high temperatures, acidic environments, high salinity, or high pressure, where most other organisms cannot survive.

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Why is phosphorous a limiting factor in many ecosystems?

Phosphorus is a limiting factor in many ecosystems because it is essential for plant growth and is a key component of DNA, RNA, and ATP. It is often found in limited supply in the environment and is not as readily available to organisms as other nutrients like nitrogen. As a result, the availability of phosphorus can restrict the growth and productivity of organisms in ecosystems.

What is nitrogen's limiting nutrient?

Nitrogen is often the limiting nutrient in ecosystems because it is essential for plant growth but can be scarce in certain environments. Nitrogen can become limiting when there is not enough available in a form that plants can use, which can impact the overall productivity of an ecosystem.

What is the limiting nutrient for algae growth phosphorus nitrogen or carbon?

Phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient for algae growth in freshwater environments. Nitrogen and carbon can also play important roles in algae growth, but phosphorus is typically the key nutrient that restricts their proliferation.

Is this true or false space is often a limiting factor for plants?

its true because plants have to face the sun and in order to do that they need to share space with trees

What is a limiting factor for most animal life in the open ocean?

A limiting factor is whatever resource needed by the organisms in the ecosystem is most scarce in proportion to the resources demand. For example, a limiting factor in a desert could be water because all the organisms need a lot of water, but there is not a lot of it.

Is food the only limiting factor that keeps populations from too large?

No, food availability is not the only limiting factor for population size. Other factors such as competition for resources, predation, disease, availability of suitable habitat, and environmental conditions like temperature and rainfall can also play a significant role in limiting population growth. In nature, populations are often regulated by a combination of multiple factors rather than just one.

What does limiting nutrient mean and example?

A limiting nutrient is a nutrient that is in the lowest concentration relative to the needs of an organism, limiting its growth and productivity. For example, in marine ecosystems, nitrogen is often a limiting nutrient for phytoplankton growth, meaning that an increase in nitrogen availability can lead to increased growth of phytoplankton populations.

The major plant nutrient most likely to be a limiting factor is?

Nitrogen is the major plant nutrient most likely to be a limiting factor, as it is essential for plant growth and development. Inadequate nitrogen levels can result in stunted growth, reduced yield, and poor overall plant health. Agricultural practices often involve the addition of nitrogen fertilizers to ensure optimal plant nutrition and growth.

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Equatorial low pressure environments mostly

What is the limiting nutrient of most ecosystems?

Nitrogen is the most common limiting nutrient in terrestrial ecosystems, while phosphorus is often the limiting nutrient in aquatic ecosystems. These nutrients are essential for plant growth and are often in low supply relative to the needs of organisms in the ecosystem.

How do parasites serve as a density dependent limiting factor?

Parasites can limit the growth of a population. They take nourishment from their hosts, often weakening them and causing disease or death. As the population of parasites grow, the population of their hosts tend to decrease.