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Simple columnar is more resistant to being torn apart because of its elongated, column-like structure. Simple columnar epithelium is thicker than simple squamous. Simple squamous is also a single layer of cells, but its cells are flattened. This makes it thinner and much more prone to being torn to the thicker simple columnar epithelium.

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Q: Why is simple columnar epithelium more resistant to be torn apart then squamous epithelium?
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A simple columnar epithelium is a columnar epithelium that is uni-layered

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There are 8 types; simple squamous, simple columnar, simple cuboidal, stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, pseudostratified columnar, and transitional.

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Simple columnar epithelium cells will heal faster than stratified squamous cells. The stratified squamous cells rarely have contact with blood.

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Simple columnar epithelium cells will heal faster than stratified squamous cells. The stratified squamous cells rarely have contact with blood.

Is the linning of the esophagus simple columnar?

No, Stratified Squamous epithelium tissue lines the esophagus.

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The intestinal epithelium, which covers the small and large intestine, is simple columnar and nonciliated. It lines most of the organs of the digestive tract.

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What would happen if the digestive tract was lined with stratifed squamous epithelium instad of simple columnar epithelium?

Through stratified squamous epithelium absorption will be very poor and person will die of starvation.Malabsorption could occur if the digestive tract were lined with stratified squamous epithelium instead of simple columnar eqithelium.