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So all the prey don't die off. Give it some thought; it'll make sense.

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Q: Why is the pray population larger then the predator population?
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How would this impact two populations?

Gene flow would increase between the two halves, and speciation would not occur

What role do predators play in maintaining the balance of an ecosystem?

Henfrayyy:57 minutes agoIf natural selections deselects the prey with qualities that can make it a worthy adversary to the predator, the predator's chief source of food will diminish and with it the predator. In consequence, the surviving prey will increase in population. The net effect is that the predator-prey balance will be upset.

Does co-evolution contribute to natural selection?

Yes. In a predator/prey environment, a fast predator puts a selective pressure on the population of their pray so that the fastest of the prey elude and survive. The faster predators can catch prey and the ones that don't die, so only the fastest of the predators survive... and it cycles this way so that only the fastest of the animals survives.The same works for other situations. For example, birds develop better and better eye sight to spot their prey who are getting better and better at camouflaging themselves.

What role does the squid play in the ocean ecosystem?

The squid is very important to the ocean ecosystem, serving as both predator and prey. As predators, they help keep the population of their prey in check. As prey, they serve as important food sources for sperm whales and some other predators.

What is the organism that lives by preying on others?

A predator, possibly a Carnivore, Parasite, However all organisms aside from plants, rely either on plants or other organisms that rely on plants. Even a farmer that grows potatoes can be seen as a predator as he calmly waits for them to grow, then when they have reached the maturity that he requires, Bang he rips them pout of the ground and eats or sells them.

Related questions

When does a predator tend to be larger than its prey?

A predator tends to be larger than its prey, and to have a slower population growth rate.

What is description of predation?

Predation is a term used to describe the predator feeding on its pray. For it to be predation the predator must directly effect the prays population.

Is a fly pray or predator?


Is a tiger a predator or a pray?

A tiger can be a predator sometimes, but can also be the pray at others.

Is a predator always a predator?

a predator can always Be a pray no matter what

How does a change in the prey population effects the predator population?

wen d pray diyz it maykz d predatarz populashon go dawn cos ders not enuf pray to eet

Is a dolphin a prey or a predator?

A dolphin is a predator and preydolphins are both

Is a gazelle a predator or a pray?

a pray of course, they are vegitarians

Is a starfish a predator or a pray?

To survive a starfish is a predator. However it can also be prey. By the way it is "prey" not "pray".

What is the root word of predator?


Is the Bengal tiger a pray or a predator?

They are the apex (top) predator of Asian environments.

What is a predator pray relationship?

If the predator helps the prey, like a mother dog nursing a cat.