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In mitosis cells generate new cells. WIthout this ability the species would die because the organisms require cells to live. The meosis process allows the organism to produce sex cells. Without meosis the species would die out because they would not be able to reproduce. Mitosis also allows for genetic stability. Michelleinsc

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with out meiosis you would not be able to have kids and with out mitosis if you got a cut it would never heal because the skin cells would never grow back... also you wouldn't be able to grow

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Q: Why meiosis and mitosis important to living organism?
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What is the mitosis dividing cell?

Every cell, except reproductive cells, in any living organism divide through mitosis. Reproductive cells divide through meiosis.

How do you Compare and contrast what happens in mitosis and meiosis and discuss the importance of each process to a living organism?

I am trying to find the answer to this question, so when you get it please let me know.

Why the process of miosis and meiosis are both important to a living organism?

Miosis is important because it doubles the cells, and making them hold totally different chromosomes.

Name the 2 forms of cell division?

Meiosis- cell division that produces gametes or sex cells for reproduction Mitosis- cell division that produces identical, "daughter" cells for things like skin regeneration or replacing dead cells.

What are the difference between meiosis and mitosis?

in mitosis a parent cell divides into two daughter cells in which the chromosomes are replicated and distributed equally into daughter cells. while in meiosis a parent cell divides into four unequall daughter cells.

Why meiosis is important to some living things?

Meiosis is important to all multicellular animals because it is the only form of animal sexual reproduction

What living cell does not go through mitosis?

1st answer) i think all cells go through mitosis the process of cell division 2nd answer) Mostly all cells go through mitosis, but sex or reproductive cells go through meiosis instead.

Do mitosis and meiosis take place in all kind of living things?

You do need mitosis to live. If we didn't have mitosis we all would of died by now. Mitosis is the process of cell multiplication (and all the cells are identical), if we lose that ability we wouldn't be able heal cuts, for example, we would all bleed to death. Also, if our cells stopped reproducing, our internal organs would deteriorate in minutes because there is nothing to provide them with the nutrients they need to function.

Why are meiosis and mitosis similar?

Plant and animal mitotic phases so similar for a few reasons. One reason is that these animals are both living.

How are vitimins andminerals important ro a living organism?

Vitamins and minerals are important to a living organism because they provide necessary nutrients for good health and growth.

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Water cycle is important for living organisms. It helps in recycling of water.

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