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Meiotic division is called reduction division because the daughter cells (called 'gametes') are haploid, that is, carry half the number of chromosomes of the parent cells. Gametes carry one chromosome of each homologous pair, whereas the diploid parent cells carry both.

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Q: Why meiotic division is called reduction division?
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Meiotic cell division in animals is directly responsible for the producing sex cells.

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Reduction division is another term for meiosis- 1 (ONE).

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Why is meiosis called reductional cell division?

Meiosis cell division is called reduction division because in this cell division the cells got from the parents cell is divided into half. So the daughter cells is haploid(n). Thus, meiosis cell division is called reduction division.

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When does the secondary oocyte complete its second meiotic division to become a mature ovum?

At fertilization the secondary oocyte completes its second meiotic division

What is the type of cell division that occurs in reproductive cells and has to division?

Meiosis occurs in reproductive cells and is called reduction division because of presence of single set of chromosomes. It results in the formation of four daughter cells. Meiosis is a source of new genetic variation.

Why are germ cells diploid prior to their first meiotic division?

Germ cells diploid prior to their first meiotic division as a means to produce homologous chromosomes , or homologs

What is the significance of meiotic division 2?

It's the basis of reproduction.