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Very simply, the pituitary is considered the master gland because it sends instruction to other glands to produce their hormones. One of those is ACH, or adrenocorticotropic hormone. The pituitary sends it to the adrenal gland so it makes its hormones.

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Q: Why might a doctor scan the pituitary gland if a patient has low levels of a hormone that is produce by the adrenal gland?
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What anterior pituitary hormone stimulates the adrenal cortex?

the adrenal gland which produce adrenaline

Which anterior pituitary hormone shows increased secretion in response to stress?

That hormone is called as ACTH or adrenocorticotropic hormone. It stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce corticosteroids.

What is the relationship between the hypothalamus the anterior pituitary and the adrenals?

The hypothalamussecretes Corticotropin releasing hormone which stimulates the anteriorpituitary to secrete A.C.T.H. (Adrenocorticotrophic) hormone, which in turn stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce cortisone.

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What gland produces cortisone?

The adrenal glands actually secrete corticosteroids. But the pituitary gland secretes a hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete the corticosteroids.

How do you produce pituitary hormone?

You just do... Simple as that ^_____^

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Is the adrenal glands known as the master glands?

The master gland is the Pituitary. Which speaks to the adrenal glands telling them how much cortisol to produce and when.

What is the target for ACTH?

ACTH means adrenocorticotrophic hormone. The target for this hormone is adrenal gland. It stimulate the gland to produce the corticosteroid hormone.

Which hormone is stored in the anterior pituitary gland?

growth hormone, Thyroxine releasing hormone, gonadotrophins - FSH and LH, prolactin

Does the hypothalamus produce antidiuretic hormone?

Yes. It is secreted in the posterior pituitary though.