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The centriole's function is currently unknown and because of this, it is considered to be useless. Plants don't have centrioles, and it functions just fine as a plant. Centrioles are probably unnecessary in animals as well.

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15y ago
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10y ago

In animal cells, centrioles function as microtubule organizing systems that aid in separating duplicated genetic material in preparation for cell division. They are formed from centrosomes. On the other hand, plant cells do not have a need for centrioles because their centrosomes duplicate during interface and thus are capable of producing microtubule spindles to control the separation of genetic material themselves.

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11y ago

They are in many plants, only higher plants lack centrioles.

I don't know why higher plants don't have them.

Centrioles form astral rays during nulear division and formation of astral rays is not required in plant cells, therefore, centrioles are absent.

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11y ago

because it has centrioles

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10y ago

because they have microtubes

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Q: Why might plant cells not need centrioles for mitosis or meiosis?
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umm i think it is 2 but it might be 4 i get miosis and meiosis mixed up somtimes but i am pritty sur it is 2

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because centrioles have a dagree and can use a electron microscope to see the nucleaus inside

For what reasons might a cell use mitosis?

To Heal Injuries by reproducing itself (Cell division).

For what reasons might a cell use meiosis?

All human cells have 46 chromosomes, 23 pairs. In sexual reproduction, if an egg and a sperm each with 46 chromosomes joined then the zygote would have 92 chromosomes. To keep this from happening, cells undergo meiosis. In meiosis the cells replicate the chromosomes and divide then divide again so they end up with only 23 chromosomes. Cells with half the number of chromosomes are called gametes.

How fast do human cells do mitosis?

very fast ................... ask your boi teacher not the world because .................. you might get someone like me that dosent know

What are uses of meiosis?

Meiosis is used to make gametes in the human body. The gametes will either be sperm or eggs depending on the gender.

When you are born do you have billions of cells?

yes you are made of billions of cells You always have to have have billions of cells, or you will have a genetic meltdown. So yes, you do (but before you're born you're still undergoing mitosis, so you might have a little less than a billion).

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They do not go through meiosis.

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I might not understand your question correctly but here is a possible answer.. A cell can get stuck in mitosis through various reasons. one of them is through inhibition of cyclin dependent kinases or perhaps due to unsatisfied spindle pole checkpoints. The cells that get stuck in mitosis this way will simply not progress further and will not divide. A big chance is that a lot of these cells will go into apoptosis when stuck in this phase for too long. you could check if your cells are stuck in mitosis by measuring the DNA contents with a FACS machine, an increased population with n=2 (or higher) probably reflects a defect in the dividing stage of the cells.

Were you able to observe any of these organelles in these Cells?

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