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Walnuts release a chemical into the soil called juglone. Juglone is present in all parts of the tree, but can be especially high in the roots and walnut hulls. The highest concentration in the soil is directly beneath the canopy of the tree, but it can be present in lesser concentrations anywhere the roots are present (which can be out as far as the tree is tall). The presence of juglone can also be affected by soil type, with sandy well drained soils tending to have less of it present.

Juglone can be toxic and even fatal to some plants, while others don't seen to be affected by it. Affected plants show signs of wilting, yellow leaves, stunted growth, and eventually death.

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Q: Why will plants not grow under a black walnut tree?
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It is possible that bind weed or other plants could kill hostas. Black walnut trees also will kill hosta or other plants that try to grow near them.

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These plants grow well in a bed around the trunk of a large black walnut tree in my garden in central Maryland (Zone 7): Black-eyed susans (rudbeckia) ; daylilies (hybrid & common), hostas (various cultivars), impatiens, tradescantia, carpet bugle (ajuga reptans) Also growing well nearby (under walnut tree canopy but about 4 feet from the trunk): two sedum cultivars, monkshood (aconitum carmichaelii), honeysuckle cultivar; pink turtleheads (chelone lyonii), climbing eunonymus, Virginia bluebells, None of these plants are adversely affected by the tree's supposed toxins.

Will tomatoes grow under a walnut tree?

no they wouldnt cuz they need sunlight and water

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Most rhododendrons and azaleas are killed by juglone, the toxic agent in black walnut. I know that a couple rhododendrons and azaleas are not killed. They include: Rhododendron periclymenoides Azalea 'Gibraltar' Azalea 'Balzac' Fortunately walnut leaves aren't nearly as big a problem as the roots and hulls. Conversely, some rhododendrons will kill plants planted near them. That is one thing that is so insidious about R. ponticum in England. The ponticum runs rampant and kills some of the native plants.

How do black walnut trees reproduce?

The black walnut is like the other nut trees in that the nuts are the reproductive "unit" the tree grows and drops. Plant a black walnut, and (if conditions are acceptable) a new tree will sprout and grow. If the nut can roll away from the parent tree a bit, it will have more room to grow. And if an animal helps with a bit of transportation to improve dispersion, so much the better.

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What nuts are native to the U.S.?

The pecan, the black walnut, and the butternut (white walnut) are native to the United States. Pecans grow in the central and southern United States. Georgia is the leading pecan producer.