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The body will not explode, explode means to burst or shatter violently and noisily as a result of rapid combustion, decomposition, excessive internal pressure, or other process, typically scattering fragments widely. The deeper and deeper you go underwater the more and more pressure there is on your body from the weight of the water above you. But answering the question that I think you are trying to ask, yes, extreme depth can harm the body and even cause death. But in most cases, excluding submarines and Scuba diving, you would drown before the pressures of the depths would cause any harm to your body.

Dr. Dave

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14y ago
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1mo ago

No, the human body will not explode from water pressure when sinking in the ocean. The pressure on the body will increase with depth, but our bodies are able to adjust to it without causing harm. The main risks are related to holding one's breath for too long or getting disoriented underwater.

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4y ago

I think that is true as the fact the atmospheric pressure is a lot higher in water than that above sea pressure but the pressure would move inwards making it impossible for the human body to implode it would just be crushed and shatter into tiny pieces

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Q: Will the human body explode from water pressure as when one sinks in ocean from boat?
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Bacteria that live on the ocean floor are sustained by?

Bacteria on the ocean floor are sustained by organic matter that sinks down from above, including dead marine animals, phytoplankton, and other debris. They also may engage in chemosynthesis, using chemicals like hydrogen sulfide or methane from hydrothermal vents or cold seeps as an energy source.

Upwelling and downwelling?

Upwelling is the process of nutrient-rich deep ocean water being brought to the surface, usually due to wind-driven currents or coastal topography. This phenomenon enhances productivity and supports marine ecosystems. In contrast, downwelling is the sinking of surface water, which can occur when surface water becomes denser due to cooling or increased salinity, potentially leading to nutrient depletion in the upper ocean layers.

Phytoplankton play an important role in the carbon cycle because?

phytoplankton absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis and incorporate it into their organic matter. When they die and sink to the ocean floor, the carbon is transported to the deep ocean, sequestering carbon and helping to regulate the Earth's climate.

Does a tissue paper sink?

The classic engineering answer to this is "it depends." Here are some factors you'll need to consider, roughly in order of importance: -What is the fluid (water, honey, tar)? -What is the size/shape of the tissue paper (surface area, folded)? -What are the specific physical properties of the paper (one- or two-ply, porosity)? -What are the external conditions (gravity, air pressure, fluid pressure, etc.)? These questions are a good starting point to answering this question :P

The root is an example of a photosynthetic sink tissue in plants True or False?

False. The root is not an example of photosynthetic tissue in plants. Photosynthesis mainly occurs in the leaves of plants. Roots primarily serve the function of water and nutrient absorption from the soil.

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This is due to the pressure regulator in your home that allows the flow to go to the point where it start to come back and stops sending water unit the flow loses pressure. This is the same thing with all your water outlets, like your washing machine, sinks, toilets ETC.