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Q: With respect to the four levels of comparative size presented in your text which scale does a typical protein fall into?
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Which scale does a typical protein fall into?


What is the structure of typical virus?

a typical virus has a core of DNA or RNA and a protein coat

How many different kinds of protein molecules in a typical cell?


What is the electrical charge inside and outside a typical cell?

The inside of a typical cell is posotive in respect to the outside. I got this out of my biology book.

How many proteins should you have?

100g/day of dietary protein is typical of a US diet

Does all purpose flour have protein?

Yes, on the bag I have there are 3g of protein in 1/4 cup of flour. A typical loaf of bread uses 3 cups, so 36g of protein in a loaf of bread.

How many amino acids long is a typical human protein?

100 amino acids long

The typical American diet is usually high in?

Calories, fat, carbohydrates, protein, sodium, and cholesterol.

What typical information is provided by a management information system?

Typical information from a MIS includes statistical summaries, exception reports, periodic as well as on-demand reports, comparative analysis, projections, early detection, routine reports, and communications.

What are all compounds composed of?

A typical virus is composed of a core of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat.

What is a typical virus made of?

A typical virus is made up of a core of genetic material, either RNA or DNA. It is engulfed by a protective coat referred to as a capsid which is made up of protein.

The typical American diet supplies approximately what percentage of protein as essential amino acid?

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