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It's not poisonous.

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Q: Would hemorrhoid cream be edible if I really needed it to be?
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What symptoms would one have if they had a hemorrhoid?

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Yesssssszzzzzzzzzzz..... but they have a stringent bite at the end of tasting that would prevent anyone from eating too many, that is they are not really very good!

What action should be taken my dog ate a hemorrhoid pad?

im sure your dog would be fine,only if there is no blood on it

How did ankylosaurus find water and food?

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Tasmanian devils are not edible though they would have been eaten by the Tasmanian Aborigines. It would also be illegal to try to eat them.

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Henry and David's sell them so, I would say yes. new ans: according to my frens.. dey say balsam is not edible ..

Is tofu a vegetable?

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