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You do find mitochondria in both plant and animal cells as eukaryote cells made this symbiotic bargain with free ranging bacteria that became mitochondria. Both plants and animals use the product of mitochondria, ATP, to do cellular work.

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Q: Would you expect to find mitochondria in both plants and animal cells?
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In what kind of cell would you expect to find the most mitochondria?

The muscle cell

Do both plant and animal cells have Mitochondria?

Absolutely. The mitochondria are the basic energy creating organelles for the cell. Without them, the cell would die. A plant cell could probably survive off its chloroplasts, but its definently not a given.

Would you expect skin cells to contain more or fewer mitochondria than muscles cells?

would you expect skin cells to contain more or fewer mitochondria than muscle cell?

Would you expect a muscle cell to have many or few mitochondria?

You would expect to find many mitochondria in a muscle cell. This is because the mitochondria makes the energy fo a cell, and muscle cells need alot of energy to do their job. The more energy a cell needs to do its job, the more mitochondria it has.

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Which organelle would you expect to be the most highly concentrated in heart muscle cells?

Mitochondria as the heart requires a lot of energy.

What structures would you expect to find in both plant and animal cells?

a cell from an oak tree (:

Why would you not expect to find mitochondria in anaerobic organisms?

Because mitochondria are used for oxidative phosphorylation, which doesn't occur in anaerobic respiration

What happen to a eukaryotic cell if all it's mitochondria were destroyed?

It would cease to exist. The mitochondria are the power plants.

In what structure would you expect to find many newly produced molecules of ATP?


Would you find a mitochondria in a dog?

Yes, all cells need mitochondria, even if only a few. Tissues are made of cells, and muscles and organs are made of tissues. Besides, how would we move if we did not have energy in our muscles?

What is found in a animal cell but not in a plant?

That would be the organelle named Mitochondria.