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why butterfly have had wing?

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Q: Your butterfly has black wings with white spots and an orange triangle in the centre What is it?
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My butterfly is black and orange with eye shapes when she opens her wings When she closes them they're all greywhat butterfly is it?

Your butterfly is a monarch butterfly

What kind of butterfly is the big one colored orange and black?


What does a monarch look like?

monrch butterfly are yellow or orange and it has black it also has black stripe

What kind of butterfly comes from a jade cacoon?

probably a monarch butterfly. its light green and comes from a yellow black and white striped caterpillar. it turns into a bright orange and black butterfly

What does it mean if you see a orange and black butterfly?

Orange butterflies symbolize New life Yellow butterflies symbolize remembrance of a lost love one Black butterflies are a symbol of a bad omen But if a butterfly lands on you it's good luck and you should make a wish :)

What kind of butterfly will a black and orange striped catterpillar turn into?

It can be difficult to determine what kind of butterfly a black and orange striped caterpillar will turn into because there is more than one type of caterpillar that fits that description. Most likely it will turn into a monarch butterfly, which is a very common insect in many parts of the world.

What type of caterpillar is orange with black spines?

The caterpillar is mainly orange with black rings is a Seirarctia Echo caterpillar. This caterpillar will turn into a Echo Moth.

What are some butterflies that begin with the letter B?

· Yellow Angled Sulfur Butterfly · Yellow Tip Butterfly

Which butterly is all orange with small black spots on top and bars on the bottom?

The Monarch Butterfly

What colors are the monarch butterflies?

Orange, outlined with black, and white spots on the black. The caterpillars are yellow with black and white stripes.

What is Minnesota's state butterfly and how does it look like?

The Monarch is Minnesota's state butterfly. The Monarch butterfly is orange and black. If you would like to read more about it and see pictures, click on the related links.

What does a large fuzzy caterpiller that is black on both ends and dark orange in the middle become?

butterfly or a moth