

Zero on a pH scale is very?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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acidic; highly acidic! 7 is neutral, and each number is a log representation of how many H+'s are in a solution. The more H+'s, the more acidic, so you have to think of the scale in reverse (if you're not used to thinking of things in log). So the more below 7 you are, the more acidic.

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What scale of zero to 14?

pH Scale

Is a scale that measures the acidity or basicity of a solution along a range of zero to 14.?


Is a scale that measures the acidity or basicity of a solution along a range of zero to 14?

A P.H Scale is most commonly used to measure this stuff. 0-6 are the acids, where zero is the most acidic and 6 is the weakest acids. 7 is neutral and 8-14 are the bases. 14 is the most basic and 8 is the weakest base.

What acid that burns through stuff?

An acid that is at a zero on the ph scale

Does oil have a pH?

No. The pH scale is a measure of acid in aqueous solutions, meaning that the solution needs to be mostly water. Since oil has nearly zero water, the pH scale is irrelevant.

What would happen if you touched a zero on the pH scale?

if you touch it then you will lose touch .

Is zero on a PH scale high?

Well in terms of alkali strength: Extremely low. In terms of acidic strength: Extremely high. Basically 0 is very corrosive and aggressive and I advise you not to touch anything with a scale of pH 0 ;-). also it is technically impossible with what scientists know now to have a pH level of 0

Why is the range of pH 0-14 can pH be below or beyond this range?

Yes. A very strong acid - say 10M HCl would have a pH of -log10 [10] = -1. 1M HCl has a pH of zero. Strengths of acid betwen 1 and 10Molar woul be less than zero pH. However, the scale was designed to be practical and most pHs are indeed 0-14.

What number on the pH scale indicates the strongest acid solution?

The pH scale does not indicate the strength of the acid, so there is no number on the pH scale that indicates the strongest acid. A pH value of zero will be the most concentrated strong acid, but even that isn't exactly correct. Concentrations greater than 1 M have pH values <0, but are not useful values because of intermolecular interactions and activity values.

What are the pH scales' limits?

The pH scale is usually stated as between zero and 14 (although negative pH is sometimes included and thus the scale is extended to -1 to 14) Typical pH's ; battery acid is around zero, household bleach 13, water 7, blood 7.3, urine 6, seawater 8, vinegar 3

A very strong acid has a pH of nearly....?


Which acid is the lowest number on the pH scale?

The pH scale does not have an easily defined lowest number. Often, answers of 1 or 0 are given, but not correct. The pH actually goes below zero, so that negative values are possible. In order to measure a pH there must be some water present, so the theoretical lowest pH value would be slightly less than -1.