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Yes, a good one. Barn owls, all owls for that matter, are rodent eaters. That is, they feast on mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, and just about any other critter that can and often do have a negative affect on humans.

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Q: Do Barn owls have impact on human population?
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Related questions

What are barn owls special characteristics?

Barn owls have feathers made for silent flight. Good for sneaking up on prey. Barn owls have ear slits that are uneven to locate the source of sounds better. Though owls are nocturnal, and can see better in night than a human, they can see better in day than a human, too. But that applies with, like, all owls.

Will barn owls only mate with barn owls?

Yes, barn owls will only breed within the species.

What do towns that don't have barn owls do to control the rodent population?

Mostly poison

Why can't barn owls fly?

Barn owls can fly.

What are the Barn Owls preditors?

Barn Owls don't have predators.

Are barn owls near extiction?

are barn owls endangered?

2 facts about the barn owl?

a interesting fact about barn owls are that female barn owls(a girl barn owl) are more colorful than male barn owls

Do barn owls eat mice?

Barn owls eat mice, rats and various other small mammals, helping to keep the rodent population under control as nature intended. During outbreaks of the rat / mice population, Barn owls will breed several times during the year, thus acting as a natural pest control.

How would a crash in the Voles population affect the Barn Owl population?

There will be a slight decline in the Barn Owl population. This is because voles have the highest occurence and when that occurence disappears, the Barn Owls will have harder time finding food and won't be as easy.

Barn swallows predators?

Owls are predators no animal eats owls . But barn owls do swallow their prey whole.

What counties in Indiana can you find barn owls?

i have seen barn owls in dearborn county

How many species of Barn Owls are there?

There 16 living species of Barn Owls