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Q: Is kookaburra better than gray nicolls?
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Is gray better than purple?

Yes purple is better than gray

Is blue better than gray?

yes gray is better than blue

Is gray better than black?

yes black is better than gray

Is gray better than brown?

yes brown is way better than gray

Is gray better than pink?

Yes gray is better than pink

Why is black better than gray?

Because black is better than gray.

Why is orange better than gray?

Because orange is better than gray.

Green is better than gray?

It depends on the application and requirements.

If a kookaburra and a snake had a fight who would win?

The kookaburra stands a better chance of winning than the snake does. Kookaburras are natural predators of snakes.However, a large snake would probably have an advantage.

What color is better than gray?

Black .

Why green is better than gray?

cos it is