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Q: Type of netted pond used to capture ducks?
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What is a type of netted pond used to capture ducks?

This is a very old method used for catching waterfowl - lots of variations exist in design, but all are called decoys. In Europe, one particular design - a small pond with one net set around it, a few feet from the water's edge, were called pochard ponds because this is what they were designed to catch - pochards. No decoy was ever designed to have nets over anything but a tiny fraction of their area, so they could never be described as "netted".

What type of birds are pond birds?

ducks and others

How many ducks can swim in one pond?

How many ducks can sit in a pond varies based on the size of the pond and the size of the ducks. A small pond can only support a handful of small to medium-sized ducks. A larger pond can support larger numbers of large ducks.

How do you protect pond from frogs?

A fine netted net could be the answer

What is a ducks larder?

In the pond by : Hermoine

What does the saying ducks in the pond mean?

ducks on the pond means there are ladys present or about to enter where there are males present

What is the relationship between amount of ducks in pond and amount of bacteria in pond?

Ducks when on land, traveling by foot or by wings collect bacteria which when returned to the pond is tranfered onto there.

Do fish attack ducks in a pond?


What can you do at a pond?

you can fish and feed ducks.

Where is a ducks favourite habitat?

The pond!

What are the habitats in a pond?


How do you get rid of duck poo in pond?

you dont keep ducks in a pond