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Beagles can be trained to hunt anything but are generally trained to hunt rabbits and hare, particularly for "Beagling", an organized sport, governed by the National Beagle Club.

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Rabbits and Hare.

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Q: What animal do beagles hunt?
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What type of animal does beagles hunt for?

they hunt for rabbits

How beagles hunt?

most of the time beagles hunt in groups and when they are hunting they sniff out the traits that came from a wild animal and then the person with the gun will shot the wild animal!

Do beagles hunt in pack?

Beagles are actually a domesticated animal so we can't attribute to much to their own character but think of a fox hunt. I've never seen a lone beagle.

What dies beagles hunt?

beagles hunt rabbits they are good at it they us there scent to find them and chase them

What do beagles hunt alone or in packs?

Beagles hunt in packs for most of the time, which explains why they are so gregarious.

What do hunters use beagles for?

well, beagles have an excellent sense of smell. Beagles used to be used in a hunting "game" called beagling. The hunters would let there beagle go and follow them on horseback while the beagle madly searches for a rabbit.

Do beagles like to hunt?

Yes, Beagles do like to hunt. They were originally breed to hunt small birds, rabbits and other small animals.

Do beagles hunt in packs or in packs?

they hunt in packs

Do beagles hunt pack or alone?

they hunt in packs

Can beagles hunt?

Yes. They are hounds that were originally bred to hunt.

Why do beagles smell?

beagles smell, or "sniff", to hunt for animals, as they are natural hunting dogs.

What people use beagles to hunt?
