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terror birds eat any animal that they want to but mostly chunky animals

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Q: What do terror birds eat?
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What video games have terror birds?

Terror birds are on the online game RuneScape.

Huge birds that would eat dinosaurs?

no such thing. there have been large birds know as terror birds that would have been able to hunt and kill small dinosaurs but they didnt live at the same time as dinosaurs and if your talking about larger dinosaurs such as sauropod and hadrosaurs then no

Is there a bird that can eat a man?

There is no bird type alive today that can predate an adult human. However in the past there have certainly been birds that could eat a man. For instance, 1.8 million years ago there were flightless birds that were apex predators in South Africa called Phorusrhacids or 'terror birds' that were 3 meters tall.

Is the terror bird a dinosaur?

Any bird is technically a dinosaur and Terror birds were the most similar to the actual beast of the Mesazoic. The body and stance of all species of terror bird were extremely similar to the body structure of therapod dinosaurs. Terror Birds were also very fast runners just like modern Ostriches and just like their Dromaeosaur ancestors.

When did a terror bird live?

Terror birds lived during the Conozoic, 62-2 million years ago. Most terror birds fossils found date back over 2 million years ago. Some believe these birds did not go extinct until 15,000 years ago, but research says otherwise.

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Do birds eat reptiles?

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Do egales eat little birds?

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