a hawk and a owl
Your Mother
A barn owl eats small rodents and on occasion some nuts/fruit.
The grasshopper eats the plant, the toad eats the grasshopper, the snake eats the toad, the rat eats the plant and is also eaten by the snake, the owl eats the rat, and the hawk eats the snake and the owl.
An Owl, Hawk, and Crows
a vole is eaten by a barn owl
Barn Owls eat small mammals and birds.
no. The barn owl eats , rodents , shrews , moles , and birds
Yes. Many species including: Goshawk Cooper's hawk Sharp shinned hawk Red Tailed hawk Rough legged hawk Golden eagle Bald eagle Peregrine falcon Kestrel Merlin Gyrfalcon Red shouldered hawk Broad winged hawk Osprey Northern harrier Swainson's hawk Great gray owl Barn owl Barred owl Screech owl Hawk owl Horned owl Short eared owl Long eared owl Snowy owl
Barn Owl (Family Tytonidae) * Barn-owl "Typical" Owls (Family Strigidae) * Eastern Screech Owl * Great Horned Owl * Snowy Owl * Barred Owl * Long-eared Owl * Short-eared Owl *** * Northern Saw-whet Owl Winter Owl Visitors * Northern Hawk-owl * Great Gray Owl * Boreal Owl