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Baltimore Oriole.

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Q: What is the name of the black and orange oriole?
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Related questions

What color is an oriole?

Orioles are orange and black. The breast of the oriole is a bright orange with hints of yellow, while the face, back, wings and tail are black

What does a oriole look like?

The Baltimore oriole is a bird that is brightly colored. The male oriole has an orange colored breast with a black head. The female has an yellow-orange breast and a gray colored head.

How did the Baltimore Orioles get their name?

After the real live birds named Baltimore oriole. The male Baltimore oriole has the same colors as Lord Baltimore wore, black and orange. Lord Baltimore is the founder of Maryland. The Baltimore oriole is also Maryland's state bird.

Sports fans and birdwatchers will know this What are the colors of an adult male Baltimore oriole?

Orange and black

Another name for black bird starting with letter o?


When was Black-naped Oriole created?

Black-naped Oriole was created in 1766.

What bird has orange breast and dark top feathers in Massachusetts?

The bird you are likely referring to is the Baltimore Oriole. It has bright orange underparts and black wings and back. Orioles are commonly found in Massachusetts during the breeding season.

How big is a orange oriole?

5 inces

Can you show me pics of Maryland's state bird?

The Maryland state bird is the Baltimore Oriole. The female's colors are brown-green and dull orange, but the male's plumage is black and bright orange. Its scientific name is Icterus galbula.

What is the oriole mascott name?

A Oriole

What bird has a orange and black almost blue body and orange bill?

The description matches that of a male Baltimore Oriole. These birds have vibrant orange and black plumage along with an orange bill. They are commonly found in eastern North America during the breeding season.

What is the name of the Baltimore Orioles mascot?

It's an oriole bird. THE Oriole bird.