Starlings eat insects, grubs, and worms. Some species will also eat fruit.
Blackbirds, starlings and magpies normally eat slugs. They can die from eating them because some of the slugs are toxic.
The kind of fruit idiots eat.
If you mean starlings, they eat fruits and insects.
Baby falcons do not eat fruit. They are carnivores (meat eaters).
No. But cats may occasionally eat starlings.
what does a crested guan eat
A owl can eat a Fruit bat or any kind of bat.
Starlings are omnivores and have a varied diet that includes insects, fruits, seeds, and grains. They are known to forage in grassy areas for insects and switch to a more fruit-based diet during the winter when insects are less available. They are also opportunistic feeders and will scavenge for food in urban areas.