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Q: What season does a flamingo mate?
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How often do flamingos mate?

i think that a flamingo and a bird cant mate

What season are flamingos born in?

There is not a season flamingos are born in. The female flamingo can lay eggs to be hatched during any season.

What season does the greater flamingo migration occur?

they migrate in the month October, November, December and January.

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What season do hamsters mate in?

They normally mate in the winter time about 3 hours

What season do empereor penguies mate?

Emperor penguins mate during March and April.

What do white tigers do in breeding season?

They mate

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they mate

When do ladybugs mate?

Usually they mate during spring, but they can still mate a little later. Spring is mating season, that's why.

Do koalas keep the same mate?

No. Koalas mate with different koalas each breeding season.

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What season do monkeys have to mate?

10 weeks after birth