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Q: Which kind of bird regarded as helicopter bird?
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Related questions

What kind of flying object would be seen at night?

UFO, plane, boomerang, kite, helicopter, bird, bat,

What is the name of helicopter bird?

The hummingbird.

What Bird flies like a helicopter?

name of the animal which look a helicopter

What can fly forwards backwards up and down?

A humming bird. In fact it was the humming bird that inspired the helicopter. Scientist studied the humming bird and found out how it flew. And then they used that same knowledge to invent the helicopter.

What kind of helicopter is a shinook?

The Chinook is a large army cargo helicopter.

What is the cost of an helicopter?

it can cost up to 160,000,000 depending on the model and the kind of helicopter.

How did the term Whirley Bird come about?

it's another name for a helicopter

What kind of vehicle is a whirlybrid?


Is an osprey a bird or a helicopter?

The osprey is a bird of prey that comprises one species in the family Pandionidae. It is neither a hawk or an eagle.

What kind was the first helicopter?

it was the Sikorsky VS 300

What kind of helicopter was airwolf?

airwolf was a bell 222

Is the Okapi some kind of bird?

Yes, the okapi is some kind of bird.