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Q: How can a cruise ship float if it's heavier than water?
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Why does a coin sink but a cruise ship floats?

An object will float on water if it has less density than the water.

Why does coin sink in water but a cruise ship floats?

An object will float on water if it has less density than the water.

How does the Oasis of the Sea cruise ship float?

boyancy in the hull of the ship

WHAT is a force that helps a float?

The amount of water displaced by its base body is heavier than the weight of the ship.

What materials on a cruise ship would float?

The boat.

What is a force that helps a ship float?

The amount of water displaced by its base body is heavier than the weight of the ship.

Why can a cruise ship stay a float in the ocean when it is more dense than water?

A cruise ship is designed with a hull that displaces enough water to generate buoyant force greater than its weight, allowing it to float. This principle of buoyancy, stated by Archimedes, allows objects denser than water to float if they displace an amount of water equal to their weight.

Why do large cruise ships float in water?

Large cruise ships float in water because of a principle called buoyancy. The shape of the ship's hull displaces an amount of water that weighs more than the ship itself, causing it to float. This buoyant force counteracts the force of gravity, allowing the ship to remain afloat.

Why do ships float on water but steel needles sink?

Buoyancy is based on average density, not the weight of the ship's hull. As it lowers into the water, the water displaced is lighter than the hull, but much heavier than the airinside the ship's hull. As long as the combined weight of the ship and its cargo is less than the water displaced by the hull, it will float. If, however, water fills the ship instead of air, the ship (as we all know) will sink.

Would a ship loaded with a cargo of Styrofoam sink deeper into water or rise in water?

A ship loaded with a cargo of Styrofoam would rise higher in the water compared to if it were empty. Styrofoam is less dense than water, so it provides buoyancy and causes the ship to float higher in the water.

Where are cruise ships built?

I am pretty sure cruise ships are built in dry docks where they can be flooded to float the ships. This is something i saw on Discovery channel on tv. Once the ship is complete they can flood the dock to float the ship to the ocean.

How much water is needed to float a ship?

The amount of water needed to float a ship depends on factors such as the weight and size of the ship, as well as the density of the water. A ship displaces an amount of water equal to its weight, so it will float as long as it displaces its weight in water.